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(be)qualfied, up to grade        合格

abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment        异响诊断仪

abnormal handling        异常处理

abnormal knocking        异响

abrasion wear; scratching        磨损

abrasive belt grinding machine        砂带磨床

abrasive belt gringding        砂带磨削

abscissa        横坐标

absolute dimensional factor        绝对尺寸系数

absolute motion        绝对运动

absolute velocity        绝对速度

AC arc welding machine        交流弧焊机

accelerated run        赶点

acceleration        加速度

acceleration analysis        加速度分析

acceleration diagram        加速度曲线

accidental defect        事故性缺陷

acetate fiber plastics        醋酸纤维塑料

acetylene        乙炔

acetylene cylinder        乙炔罐

acetylene generator        乙炔发生器

acetylene-welding installation        乙炔氧焊装置

acid dip tank        浸酸槽

acid refined oil        酸性精炼油

acidity        酸度

acid-prrof coating        耐酸涂料

acknowledged rule of technology        公认的技术规则

acme thread form        梯形螺纹

acrylonitrile-butadiene- styrene polymer        ABS 共聚体

active plate        活动板

actual line of action        实际啮合线

actuating cable        控制电缆

add lubricating oil        加润滑油

addendum        齿顶高

addendum circle        齿顶圆

addition to standard        标准补充件

additional element        附加要素

additon agent        添加剂

adhesion        粘附

adjustable speed motors        调速电动机

adjusting        调整

administration/general affairs dept        总务部

administration/general affairs dept        总务部

admisinstrative regulation for adopting internatinal standards        采用**标准管理办法

admisistration of vehicle amintenance        汽车维修管理

admisistrative standard        管理标准

adopting by equation        等同采用

adopting by equivalent        等效采用

adopting by reference        参照采用

adoption of international standard and advanced oversea standard        采用**标准和国外先进标准

advance-to return-time ratio        急回系数

advance-to return-time ratio        行程速比系数

advisory service of standard information        标准情报咨询服务

after dripping        (柴油喷射系)渗漏滴油

ageing        老化

ageing        时效

aims of standardization        标准化的目的

air circuit breaker        空气断路器

air dry        自然干燥

air jarring moulding machine        气动震实造型机

air pipe        气管

air seal        气幕

air spray gun        空气喷枪

air spring        空气弹簧

air terminal        航空集散站

air tool        风动工具

air-conditioning equipment        车厢空调设备

air-cushion eject-rod        气垫顶杆

airless spray equipment        无空气喷涂设备

alcohol        乙醇

alcohol container        沾湿台

alcohols solvent        醇类溶剂

aligning        校正

alkalidipping        脱脂

alkali-earth babbitt        碱土巴氏合金

alkaline degreasing        碱法脱脂

alkaline etch        龄咬

allowable amount of unbalance        许用不平衡量

allowable pressure angle        许用压力角

allowable stress; permissible stress        许用应力

alloy cast iron        合金铸铁

alloy structureal steel        合金结构钢

alloy tool steel        合金工具钢

alternation switch        转换开关

alumel        铝镍合金

aluminied steel sheet        渗铝钢板

aluminium bronze        铝青铜

aluminium casting alloy        铸造铝合金

aluminizing        渗铝

aluminum powder paint        铝粉漆(银色漆)

amended draft        修正草案

amendment to standard        标准修改件

amino plastics        氨基塑料

amino-filler        氨基腻子

amount of unbalance        不平衡量

amplitude of vibration        振幅

analog-mode device        类模器

analysis of mechanism        机构分析

analytical design        解析设计

analytical method        分析法

angle of contact        包角

angular acceleration        角加速度

angular contact ball bearing        角接触球轴承

angular contact bearing        角接触轴承

angular contact radial bearing        角接触向心轴承

angular contact thrust bearing        角接触推力轴承

angular velocity        角速度

angular velocity ratio        角速比

anion electrophoretic coating        阴离子型电泳涂料

anneal        退火

annealing        退火

annealing box        退火箱

annealing furnace        退火炉

annealing oven        退火炉

annex        附录

annular ball baring        径向球轴承

annular spring        环形弹簧

anode mechanical working        阳极机械加工

Anodize        阳性处理

anolyte        阳极电解液

anticorrosive bimetal        耐蚀双金属

anticorrosive paint        防蚀漆

anti-foaming additive        防泡沫添加剂

antifoaming agent        消泡剂

antifouling paint(copper paint)        防污漆

anti-freeze additive        防冻添加剂

antifriction alloy        减摩合金

antifriction alloy        减摩合金

antifriction bearng        减摩轴承

anti-friction quality        减摩性

anti-knock compound        抗爆剂

antirust paint        防锈漆

anti-tarnish treatment        抗暗处理

aperiodic speed fluctuation        非周期性速度波动

appended description of standard        标准附加说明

application factor        工况系数

applied force        作用力

approved by        核准

approved by / checked by / prepared by        核准/审核/承办

aqua regia        王水

arc welding machine        电弧焊机

Archimedes worm        阿基米德蜗杆

archives of standardization        标准化档案

Arctan        反正切

argon arc welding        氩弧焊

argon welding        氩焊

arm        臂部

armature tester        电枢试验器

artery        干线

articulated bus        通道式公共汽车

articulated equipment        铰接装置

articulated trolly bus        通道式无轨电车

artificial drying        人工干燥

artificial gasoline        人造汽油

artificial leather        人造胶革

artificial resin        人造树胶

artificial wool        人造羊毛

asbestos        石棉

asbestos band        石棉带

asbestos board        石棉板

asbestos fiber        石棉纤维

asbestos linen        石棉布

asbestos paper        石棉纸

asbestos steel leaf        石棉钢片

asbestos web        石棉织物

as-deposited strength        焊后强度

aseptic        防腐剂

assembling clearance        装配间隙

assembly        组装

assembly condition        装配条件

Assembly line        组装线

Assembly line        组装线

assistant manager        助理

assistant manager        助理

Assur group        杆组

as-welded        焊态

atlas        图册、图谱

atomosphere quality standard        大气质量标准

attendant seat        乘务员座椅

augular offset        角度偏差

ausforming        形变热处理

austenite        奥氏体

authority        权力机构

autoclino        自动壳型机

automatic box splitter        自动分箱机

automatic closer        自动合箱机

automatic compensating device for boring cutter wear        镗刀磨损自动补偿装置

automatic gas cutting        自动气割

automatic headstock changing N/C machine        自动更换主轴箱数控机床

automatic inspection machine for piston ring tension        活塞环弹性自动检验机

automatic instruction calling device        自动指令呼叫装置

automatic line for weighting connecting rod        连杆称重去重自动线

automatic moulding productio line ofr cylinder block        缸体自动造型生产线

automatic multi-stage cold fromer        多工位自动冷镦机

automatic plating machine        自动电镀装置

automatic production line for automobile final drive housing        汽车主减速器壳加工自动线

automatic production line for connecting rod        连杆加工自动线

automatic production line for cranshaft dynamic balance        曲轴动平衡自动线

automatic production line for cylinder block        气缸体加工自动线

automatic production line for cylinder head        气缸盖加工自动线

automatic production line for gas carburization        气体渗碳自动线

automatic screwdriver        电动启子

automatic screwdriver        电动启子

automatic sprayer        自动喷漆机

automatic ticket checker        自动检票机

automatic tool changing N/C machine        自动换刀数控机床

automatic welding        自动焊接

automation        自动化

automation        自动化

automobile transportation enterprise        汽车运输企业

automotive alcquer        汽车用喷漆

automotive enamel        汽车漆

automotive topcoat        汽车面漆

auxiliary fuction        辅助功能

available material        良品可使用

average days during major repair of vehicles        汽车大修平均在修车日

average days in plant during major of vehicles        汽车大修平均在厂车日

average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles        汽车大修间隔里程

average main-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维修平均工时

average stress        平均应力

average tonnage (passenger seat)        平均吨(客)位

average velocity        平均速度

avional        铝合金

axial contact bearing        轴向接触轴承

axial direction        轴向

axial internal clearance        轴向游隙

axial load        轴向载荷

axial load factor        轴向载荷系数

axial plane        轴向平面

axial thrust load        轴向分力

axial tooth profile        轴向齿廓

axle stand        轮轴架

babbit metal        巴氏合金

back cone        背锥

back cone angle        背锥角

back cone distance        背锥距

back fire        回火

back flow        回流

backlash        侧隙

backlash        齿侧间隙

backlash        间隙

back-to-back arrangement        背对背安装

bad condition of vehicle        汽车不良状况

baffle plate        挡块

bainite        贝氏体

bakelite        胶木(电木)

baking paint        烘漆

balance        平衡

balance of machinery        机械平衡

balance of mechanism        机构平衡

balance of rotor        转子平衡

balance of rotors        回转体平衡

balance of shaking force        惯性力平衡

balancing centering machine        平衡-钻中心孔机床

balancing machine        平衡机

balancing mass        平衡质量

balancing quality        平衡品质

balancing speed        平衡转速

balata        巴拉塔树胶

balata spring        橡胶弹簧

ball        球

ball bearing        球轴承

ball bearing        球轴承

ball screw        滚珠丝杆

band brake        带式制动器

band-aid        创可贴

bar stock cutting by punching        冲压下料

barcode        条码

barcode        条码

barcode        条码

barcode scanner        条码扫描器

barcode scanner        条码扫描器

barrel (cylindric) cam        圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构

barrel plating        滚镀

bar-type cylinder gauge        杆式气缸量规

base circle        基圆

base cone        基圆锥

base cylinder        基圆柱

base pitch        基圆齿距

basic dynamic axial load rating        轴向基本额定动载荷

basic dynamic radial load rating        径向基本额定动载荷

basic international standard        基础**标准

basic rating life        基本额定寿命

basic standard        基础标准

basic static axial load rating        轴向基本额定静载荷

basic static radial load tating        径向基本额定静载荷

basic terms        基本术语

basket        蝴蝶竺

batch furnace        分批炉

battery hydrometer        蓄电池液体比累计

battery welder        蓄电池式焊机

be put in storage        入库

be put in storage        入库

beacon        警示灯

bead        焊道

bead cracking        焊道裂纹

bead welding        堆焊

beading stress        弯曲应力

bearing        轴承

bearing alloy        轴承合金

bearing alloy        轴承合金

bearing block        轴承座

bearing bore diameter        轴承内径

bearing bush        轴瓦、轴承衬

bearing cap        轴承盖

bearing capacity        承载能力

bearing capacity factor        承载量系数

bearing clearance        轴承间隙

bearing cone        轴承内圈

bearing cup        轴承盖

bearing cup        轴承外圈

bearing height        轴承高度

bearing life        轴承寿命

bearing metal        轴承合金

bearing outside diameter        轴承外径

bearing race        轴承座圈

bearing ring        轴承套圈

bearing saddle        轴承座

bearing score        拉瓦

bearing shell        轴瓦

bearing shim        轴承垫片

bearing steel        轴承钢

bearing width        轴承宽度

beeswax        蜂蜡

behind schedule        晚点

belleville spring        碟形弹簧

belt driving        带传动

belt pulley        带轮

bender        弯曲机

bending die        压弯模

bending moment        弯矩

bending press        压弯机

bending-beading die        压弯压筋模

bending-curling die        压弯卷圆模

bending-flanging die        压弯翻边模

beryllium bronze        铍青铜

bevel gear        锥齿轮

bevel gears        圆锥齿轮机构

bevel pulley; bevel wheel        锥轮

bezel        斜视规

bezel panel        面板

bezel panel        面板

bibliography        文献书目

bilaterally harmonized standard        双边协调标准

biliographical reference        书目参考目录

bimetal strip from tin-aluminium alloy        高锡铝合金双金属带

binder        粘合剂

bisector        平分线

bituminous paint        沥青漆

black box        黑箱

black washer        黑皮垫圈

blacksmith welding        锻焊

blank        齿轮轮坯

blank        轮坯

blank        制坯

blanker        落料机

blanking        穿落模

blanking die        落料模

blanking-coining die        落料压印模

blanking-slotting die        落料切槽模

blend solvent        溶合溶剂

blinster        气泡

block diagram        框图

block hammer        落锤

blow-by        串气

blow-by meter        曲轴箱窜气量测定仪

blower        鼓风机

blueing        发蓝处理

blush        导色

board        看板

body bumping tool        车身修整工具

body guidance mechanism        刚体导引机构

body of a normative document        一个标准文件的主体

bold line        粗线

bolt        螺栓

bolt        螺栓

bolt        螺栓

bolts        螺栓

bone gum        骨胶

booth        喷漆室

boring        镗

boring        镗削

boring hole        镗孔

boron steel        硼钢

boronizing        渗硼

bottom clearance        顶隙

bottom die(counter die)        下模

boundary dimension        外形尺寸

box furnace(muffle furnace)        马弗炉

box molding machine        有箱造型机

boxing        环焊

bracket        小磁导

brake        制动器

brake bleeder        制动系空气排除器

brake depresor        制动踏板压下器

brake drum lathe        制动鼓车床

brake fade        制动失效

brake flusher        制动液自动更换装置

brake shoe grinder        制动蹄片磨削装置

branch        支线

branch line        岔线

brass        黄铜

brazing by flame        火焰钎焊

breakdown        断裂

bridge type baking oven        桥式烘干室

bright coating        光亮镀层

bright washer        光垫圈

brightener        光亮剂

brittleness        脆性

broaching        拉削

broaching gear        拉齿

bronze        青铜

bulk goods        散装货物

burn rubber        轮胎烧耗

burning        烧伤

burnishing        磨光(抛光0

burnishing        抛光

burr(金属)毛边        flash(塑件)毛边

bus bay        港湾式车站

bus priority sytem        公共汽车

bus priority sytem        公共汽车优先通行系统

bus shelter        候车亭

bushing block        衬套

business law and regulation        企业法规

butt resistance welding        电阻对焊

butt seam welding        滚对焊

butt welding        对接焊

buttress thread form        锯齿形螺纹

buzzle        蜂鸣器

buzzle        蜂鸣器

cabin        客舱

cable bracket        电缆托架

cadmium bronze        镉青铜

cage        保持架

calcium carbide        电石

calculated bending moment        计算弯矩

cam        凸轮

cam , cam mechanism        凸轮机构

cam block        滑块

cam driver        铡楔

cam profile        实际廓线

cam profile        凸轮廓线

cam with oscillating follower        摆动从动件凸轮机构

camber gauge        外倾测量器

camphor        樟脑

camsahft coping lathe        凸轮轴仿形车床

camshaft grinding machine        凸轮轴磨床

camshaft polishing machine        凸轮轴超精磨机床

camshaft polishing machine        凸轮轴抛光机床

camshaft(journal )turning lathe        凸轮轴(轴颈)车床

cantilever beam        悬臂梁

cantilever structure        悬臂结构

capability        能力

car row        车列

car stand (jack stand)        汽车架

carbide to water generator        投入式乙发生器

carbon arc welding        碳弧焊

carbon electrode        碳极

carbon fouling        (火花塞)积碳

carbon structureal steel        普通碳素结构钢

carbon tool steel        碳素工具钢

carbon-fiber reinforced plastics        碳纤维增强塑料

carbonitriding (cyaniding)        碳氮共渗(氰化)

carbonization        碳化

carburetor icing        化油器结冰

carburizing        渗碳

carburizing alloy steel        渗碳合金钢

carburizing carbon steel        渗碳碳素钢

carburizing furnace        渗碳炉

card of goods        货卡

carriage        车厢

Cartesian coordinate manipulator        直角坐标操作器

carton        纸箱

carton        纸箱

carton box        纸箱

cascade speed control        串级调速

case-based design,CBD        基于实例设计

cash fare        普通票

casing head gasoline        气体汽油

cast bronze        锻造青铜

cast iron        铸铁

cast steel        铸钢

catalog        目录

cathode shiedl        阴极罩

catholyte        阴极电解液

cating machine        浇注机

cation electrophoretic coating        阳离子型电泳涂料

cause analysis        原因分析

cause description        原因说明

cavitation        穴蚀

cellophane        赛璐酚

celluloid        赛璐珞

cellulose acetate        醋酸纤维(脂)

cement gum        胶泥

cementite        渗碳体

center distance        中心距

center distance change        中心距变动

center of mass        质心

center of pressure        压力中心

centerless grinding        无心磨削

central gear        中心轮

centralized transportation        集中运输

centrifugal force        离心力

centrifugal force        向心力

centrifugal seal        离心密封

centrifugal stress        离心应力

cetane number        十六烷值

chain        链

chain        链条

chain        链条槽

chain dotted line        点划线

chain gearing        链传动装置

chamfer        倒角

chamois        麂皮

change gear change wheel        变速齿轮

character die        字模

characteristics        特性

chartered vehicle        包车

chassis        底座

chassis        基座

chassis        基座

chassis dynamometer        底盘测功机

chassis lubricator        底盘润滑机

check nut        锁紧螺母

checked by        初审

check-up        技术检查

chemical -heat treatment        化学热处理

chemical mechanical working        化学机械加工

chemical vaporous depositon        化学气相沉积法

chemical wear        化学磨损

chilled cast rion        冷激铸铁

chloroprene rubber        氯丁橡胶

Chromate        铬酸处理

chrome bronze        铬青铜

chromel        铬镍合金

chuck for grinding hole and end face of bevel gear        磨圆锥齿轮孔和端面用的卡盘

circuit breaker cabinet        断路器柜

circular bending die        压圆模

circular gear        圆形齿轮

circular pitch        齿距

circular pitch; pitch of teeth        节距

circular thickness        圆弧齿厚

circulating power load        循环功率流

circulation        周转

city monthly ticket        市区月票

city passenger flow        市区客流

city transposrtation        市区运输

class of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护类别

class of vehicle repair        汽车修理类别

classification        整理

classification of standards document.        标准文献分类

cleaner        清洗剂

cleaning cloth        抹布

cleaning cloth        抹布

cleanness        清扫

clearance        径向间隙

clockwise        顺时针

clogged filter        滤清器阻塞

close type socket joint        封闭式插接

closed chain mechanism        闭链机构

closed kinematic chain        闭式链

cloud point        浊点

club car        高尔夫球车

clutch        离合器

clutch explosion        离合器炸裂

coarse thread        粗牙螺纹

coating for protection against corrosion        防腐镀层

code fo practice        实施规则

coefficient of availability of vehicle        车辆完好率

coefficient of friction        摩擦系数

coefficient of speed fluctuation        机械运转不均匀系数

coefficient of speed fluctuation        速度不均匀 ( 波动 ) 系数

coefficient of travel speed variation        行程速度变化系数

coefficient of utilization of automobile        出车率

coefficient of utilization of ton-kilometers        吨公里利用系数

coefficient of velocity fluctuation        运转不均匀系数

coil stock        卷料

coincident points        重合点

coining press        精压机

coining press        精压机

coke-fired furnace        焦碳炉

cold brittleness        冷脆性

cold draw        冷拉

cold drawing low carbon seamless steel tube        冷拔低碳无缝钢管

cold drawing spring steel        冷拉弹簧钢

cold extruding        冷挤压

cold forging        冷锻

cold forging die        冷锻模

cold pressure welding        冷压焊

cold rinse bank        冷水槽

cold rolled thin steel sheet        冷轧薄钢板

cold rolling killed steel sheet        镇静钢冷轧钢板

cold rolling rimmed steel sheet        沸腾钢冷钆钢板

cold running-in        冷磨合

cold slug        冷块

cold treatment        冷处理

cold trim        冷切边

collapse of piston skirt        活塞裙部挤扁

collection of standard decumnets        标准文献收集

combination in parallel        并联式组合

combination in series        串联式组合

combinaton pliers        鲤鱼钳

combined efficiency; overall efficiency        总效率

combined mechanism        组合机构

combined mechanism        组合机构

combined stress        复合应力

combusion teste        燃烧分析仪

combustion teste        燃烧(废气)分析仪

commercial bronze        工业用铜

common apex of cone        锥顶

common equipment        常用设备

common equipment        常用设备

common goods        普通货物

common normal line        公法线

commuter        月票乘客

company standard(enterprise standard)        企业标准

comparable standard        可比标准

compensation        补偿

compensation fare        补票

complementary standard        补充性标准

complete annealing        完全退火

complete failure        完全故障

complete penetration        焊透

complex mechanism        复杂机构

complex steel sheet with chromate zinc        铬酸锌复合钢板

composite tooth form        组合齿形

compound (or combined) gear train        复合轮系

compound combining        复合式组合

compound die        合模

compound die        合模

compound flat belt        复合平带

compound gear train        混合轮系

compound hinge        复合铰链

Compound screw mechanism        复式螺旋机构

compressed gas        压缩煤气

compression strength        抗压强度

compressive stress        压应力

compresson coil spring        压缩螺旋弹簧

compressor        压缩机

compressor oil        压缩机机油

computer aided design, CAD        计算机辅助设计

computer aided manufacturing, CAM        计算机辅助制造

computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS        计算机集成制造系统

concave        凸

concavity        凹面、凹度

Conceal Install        暗装

concept design, CD        方案设计、概念设计

conclusion        结论

concurred design, CD        并行设计

concurrent engineering        并行工程

condenser tester        电容器试验器

condition of self-locking        自锁条件

conduction of heat        导热性

cone angle        圆锥角

cone distance        锥距

cone-worm milling machine        球面蜗杆铣床

conical roller bearing        圆锥形滚子轴承

conical spring        锥形弹簧

conjugate cam        共轭凸轮

conjugate profiles        共轭齿廓

conjugate yoke radial cam        等径凸轮

connecting rod alignment fixture        连杆矫正器

connecting rod, coupler        连杆

connection box        接线盒

connection test        检查接线

conoid helical-coil compression spring        圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧

conservation        清洁

constantan        康铜

constant-breadth cam        等宽凸轮

constant-velocity (or double) universal joint        双万向联轴节

constitution of mechanism        机构组成

constitution of standard        标准的构成

constraining force        约束反力

constraint        约束

constraint condition        约束条件

consumption        消耗

contact points        啮合点

contact ratio        重合度

contact seal        接触式密封

contact stress        接触应力

container transport        集装箱运输

content        目次

content of normative document        标准文件的内容

continous furnace        连续炉

continuous broaching        连续拉削

control center        调度中心

control panel        控制屏

control station        调度站

Control switches        控制开关

conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use        常用机构

convex        凹

convex        凸的,凸面体

convex roller        球面滚子

Conveyer        流水线物料板

Conveyer        流水线物料板

coolant        冷却液

coordinate        座标

coordinate frame        坐标系

copper        紫铜

Copper core power cable        铜芯电力电缆

copy grinding mahcine        靠模磨床

copy lathe        仿形车床

cork        软木

correcting plane        平衡平面

correcting plane        校正平面

corrigenda        勘误表

corrosion inhibitor        搞腐蚀剂

corrosion resistance        耐腐蚀性

corrosion resisting cast iron        耐蚀铸铁

corrosion wear        腐蚀性磨损

cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion        余弦加速度运动

cosmetic defect        外观不良

cosmetic inspect        外观检查

cosmetic inspect        外观检查

cost        成本

cost of labor        人工费

coulometer        库仑计

counter sinking        锪孔

counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)        逆时针

counterweight        平衡重

couple        力偶

coupler-curve        连杆曲线

coupling shaft coupling        联轴器

cover plate        盖板

covered arc welding        手工电弧焊

covering power        深镀能力

crank        曲柄

crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions        极位夹角

crank arm, planet carrier        系杆

crank press        曲轴压力机

crank shaft        曲柄轴

crank shaft        曲轴

crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism        曲柄导杆机构

crank-rocker mechanism        曲柄摇杆机构

cranksahft journal grinding machine        曲轴主轴颈磨床

crankshaft (main journal turning lathe)        曲轴(主轴颈)车床

crankshaft dynamic balancing machine        曲轴动平衡机

crankshaft grinding machine        曲轴磨床

crankshaft journal face hardening machine        曲轴轴颈表面淬火机床

crankshaft journal milling machine        曲轴轴颈铣削专用机床

crankshaft polishing machine        曲轴轴颈抛光机床

crankshaft superfinishing machine        曲轴超精磨机床

crankshaft turning lathe        曲轴车床

creation design        创新设计

crepon finish        皱纹漆

crimp paper        瓦楞纸

critical defect        极严重缺陷

critical failure        致命故障

critical point        临界点

critical speed        临界转速

cross grinding        端面磨削

cross weld        横向焊缝

cross-belt drive        交叉带传动

crossed helical gears        交错轴斜齿轮

crossover        交叉器

cross-shaped joint        十字接头

crown gear        冠轮

crown shaving        剃鼓形齿

crusher        破碎机

cryptometer        遮盖力测定仪

crystallization point        结晶温度

CSBS yearbook        国内标准化年鉴

cst bimetal        铸造双金属

culture        教养

cupola (cupola furnace)        冲天炉

curb window        安全监视窗

curling        卷边

Current by Phase        每相电流

current repair of vehicle        汽车小修

curvature        曲率

curve matching        曲线拼接

curved-shoe follower        曲面从动件

curve-tooth bevel gear milling       

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